Old Nana's shells, 2022

Kia ora

Kia ora! My name is Nicola Andrews (ia/she/they), and I am a poet, librarian, and educator currently living on Ohlone territory. I'm originally from Tāmaki Makaurau, Aotearoa; and am a member of the Ngāti Paoa iwi of Māori and Pākehā whakapapa. I work as the Open Education Librarian for the University of San Francisco, where my research includes Indigenous information literacy, Māori Data Sovereignty, and how historical trauma impacts Indigenous library workers. In my spare time I practice my reo, catch Pokémon, and watch dinosaur documentaries with my cat.

This website is my personal portfolio. You can contact me about my work via nikora@duck.com, or follow me on Instagram as @poi_division.

~Part of the Space Cat web ring~