My academic credentials include a Bachelor of Arts, Social Sciences (Auckland University of Technology); a Master of Library & Information Science (University of Washington); and Master of Indigenous Studies (Awarded with Distinction, University of Otago).
I've benefited from further learning and community-building as an ALA Spectrum Scholar, ARL Career Enhancement Program Fellow, ARL Diversity Scholar (now the Kaleidoscope programme), NCSU Libraries Fellow, ALA Emerging Leader, Minnesota Institute participant, and SPARC Open Education Leadership Program Fellow.
In 2021, I was awarded the ACRL WGSS Award for Significant Achievement in Women & Gender Studies Librarianship. In 2023, my contributions to librarianship were recognized with the University of Washington Information School Graduate of the Last Decade (GOLD) Alumni Impact Award.
I'm also on a long journey to reclaim my reo, and have taken te reo Māori courses through AUT, Massey University, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, and Learn Māori Abroad.
Information as a Relation: Defining Indigenous Information Literacy
Co-written with Sandra Littletree and Jessie Loyer
Journal of Information Literacy, Vol. 17(2), 2023
Book Review: Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies
College & Research Libraries, Vol. 83(1), 2022
Searching for Tūpuna
IFLA Journal, July 2021
Historical Trauma, Indigenous People, and Libraries
University of Otago, February 2021
It’s Not Imposter Syndrome: Resisting Self-Doubt As Normal For Library Workers
In The Library With The Lead Pipe, June 2020
Reflections on Resistance, Decolonization, and the Historical Trauma of Libraries and Academia
The Politics of Theory and the Practice of Critical Librarianship, edited by Maura Seale & Karen Nicholson, 2018
Cultural Humility as a Transformative Framework for Librarians, Tutors, and Youth Volunteers
Co-written with Sunny Kim & Josie Watanabe
Young Adult Library Services Journal, Vol. 16(2), 2018
Negotiating Indigeneity: Fostering Indigenous Knowledge within LIS Curricula
Co-written with Jessica Humphries
IFLA Library, July 2016
I've given a number of national and international presentations, including juried conference presentations and invited keynotes on topics including cultural humility, imposter syndrome, Pasifika and Indigenous experiences within libraries, and Māori knowledge management and research methods. If you'd like to collaborate on an event, drop me a line.
Information as a Relation: Defining Indigenous Information Literacy
with Sandy Littletree and Jessie Loyer, International Indigenous Librarians Forum, 2023
Checking in: Responding to Imposter Syndrome and Inspiring Change
Keynote, Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC) Annual Retreat, 2023
Indigenous Perspectives in Librarianship, with Naomi Bishop and Keahiahi Long
Opening Keynote, Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium (CLAPS), 2022
Examining How Systems of Research and Education Still Reflect the Structures of Colonialism
with Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou, Beth Patin, and Kanishka Sikri
SPARC Knowledge Equity Series, 2022
No More Pipelines: Indigenous Knowledge and LIS
Keynote, Minnesota Library Association, Academic and Research Libraries Division (ARLD) Day, 2021